Wood treatments protect wood and increase its lifespan - but they have
adverse human health effects. The potential danger is not just during the
construction phase, but lasts for the life of the wood since the chemicals
that kill off the organisms and make the wood last are the same ones that
pose a potential danger to you.
CCA, the wood treatment recently taken off the residential market for
causing cancer, nervous system damage, and birth defects, was taken off the
market; however, that doesn't mean that its replacement is safe. Carpenters
are at risk from splinters. Children are at risk from exposure.
We won't know for years to come the long-term adverse human health effects
of products currently on the market.
Buy this sheet to learn about safer alternatives for rough carpentry.
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We research and test non-toxic and less toxic materials and methods. The results of our research can be found in the SaferBuilding™ How-To Guides and Environmental Disclosures. For less than $1. per topic, you get the benefit of our research.
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- Q. Why do you charge money?
- A. Our information is unbiased... we don't accept funds from manufacturers, nor do we sell building materials. We sell information.
- Q. Can’t I just find this information on the Internet?
A. Frankly, no! This information is not found anywhere else - SaferBuilding.com is the team that conducts the research! We don't parrot information from manufacturers, but actually take their products and test them for efficacy, toxicity, and combinations of products. We then create the methods when using the SaferBuilding™ approved materials in America's Test Homes.-
- Q. How did you come up with the cost?
A. We’ve purposely kept the cost low – to encourage you to “do it right.” The cost is tiny compared to the cost of construction or the cost of your health.-
- Q. I'm a professional builder and know my trade. Is this for me?
- A. Yes. The SaferBuilding™ How-To Guides assume a professional level knowledge of the trade and discuss differences between traditional building and SaferBuilding™. They include both materials and methods.
- Q. Why How-To Guides and not just materials?
A. If you want a less toxic paint, why not just ask “what paint to use?” We know from experience that you’ll often overlook important things – like the primer, caulk, joint compound, spackle, trim pieces and other materials that can interfere with your indoor air quality. So we show you the whole picture.-
- Q. Why not just provide a list of materials used?
A. That would eliminate the method – which can be just as important! For example, if a smoker lived in a room, then we’d want to sand and wash the smoke residue off the walls and ceilings before beginning to paint.-
- Q. Won’t my contractor know the right materials and methods to use?
A. Most contractors do not know the SaferBuilding™ methods and materials. Play it safe – give them the “How-To” Guides and know the job will be done the right way!
How-To Guides are $20 for the compelete set You can and get the Environmental Disclosures for an extra $5 (a $15 saving). |
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Pressure treated wood

Wood covered in Builder's Foil
Installing a solid wood post
We assume NO LIABILITY for the final decisions made by you regarding the work you intend to do. If your contractor does not follow the SaferBuilding™ materials and methods, then your property may not qualify for a SaferBuilding™ Certificate of Good Standing.
Lead, Asbestos, and Mold not covered.
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